Wednesday, 27 July 2011

2 more sleeps! The end is nigh.

The title of the post says it all really. 66 days down, 2 to go. Tomorrow morning I will be awaiting the arrival of my Mum and Step-Dad and we shall be driving down to Cornwall in preparation for OH's passing-out parade on Friday.

When I think back over the last ten weeks, it's amazing how quickly the time has actually gone. The first fortnight was by far the hardest - I was adjusting to being by myself and the kids were unsettled and making life very difficult. I knew OH was very homesick and I had to be strong when we spoke on the phone so as not to make things worse for him, which meant that I had to hide my emotions until after the call. 

My youngest sister, Laura was an absolute godsend during this time and would ring me a couple of times a day so I could 'unload'. My friend Claire was also fantastic and would take my mind off things by regaling me with gossip from my old team at work. I cannot thank Laura and Claire enough for keeping me sane through the last 10 weeks.

I have managed to keep myself fairly busy - as I've said in a previous post it is surprising how quickly a day goes even though I am at home. Writing this blog has helped and seems to have opened some other doors for me too. I fully intend to continue posting on a regular basis as putting my thoughts into words has become very satisfying and enjoyable once more. There are a number of things that will be happening in the next few months that hashing out in a blog post will help to sort through so this is certainly not going to stop.

I have to admit that I am tremendously nervous about Friday. I think the bulk of the nerves is the sense of anticipation - I haven't seen OH for almost 10 weeks and I'm so looking forward to first catching a glimpse of him in his uniform. When it comes to the actual parade, I know that I will be in floods of tears (which reminds me - waterproof mascara needs to be bought today!) and he is well aware that I am unlikely to let go of him all weekend. 

We will only have the weekend together as he has to go to his next base on Sunday afternoon, although he will be home for his 3 week summer break next Friday night. DD will be home from her holiday next weekend too and we will have 3 weeks together as a family before my Mum steals DD for the annual 'week of being spoilt rotten by Grandma'.

When OH got his date and I told people at work that he would be away for so long, many people said things along the lines of "I couldn't do that - I couldn't cope" and "you're a better person than me if you'll let him go". I put on a brave face as I honestly didn't think I would cope either but I have done it and I know now that when he is away living on base (more on that to come at a later date) and at sea, I can do it again.

I have a lot to do today so will leave this post here but I will be back next week and starting the countdown again (albeit a much shorter one). Thanks for reading.

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