During a recent discussion with a friend regarding a post from her blog, the topic of my long-standing writer's block was raised. My friend suggested that I start a blog of my own and see if getting back into the habit of writing would help. So here I am.
I used to write all the time when I was younger. It seemed that my brain couldn't hold all the ideas so they came spilling onto paper on a regular basis. I would write stories, diaries, songs and poems but for some reason the ability to pour forth my ideas dried up whilst I was at university. That was more than a decade ago and I have struggled to write ever since.
I now have an eight year old daughter who loves to write. She spends hours at her desk creating worlds for herself and her friends and I envy her ability to do so.
There is a lot going on in my life at the moment and by starting to blog I am hoping that it will help me sort through the issues and see them more clearly; an essay plan for life, if you will! I am sure I will make mistakes in grammar and syntax but my aim is to not only sort through what is occurring in my head but to regain the joy of writing as if I were eight years old again.
This is the longest piece of text I have managed to achieve in a number of years so I shall leave it here for now. In my next post I will start to explain more where I am and why I am here!
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